Tag Archives: painting

Exploring Happiness for Bangladesh

Happiness Images With Children

I am fortunate to have friends teaching and living all over this planet due to my Montessori teaching experience. One of my amazing teacher friends works at an international school.  She came up with a great idea for an art project to raise funds for the street children in Bangladesh. I was intrigued when she told me of the idea and grateful for being involved.  She had her classroom and others participate as well. The classroom children were given the art exercise to visually describe what happiness meant to them. They took their paint and applied it to paper to illustrate what happiness look like.

Fortunately I get to work with these paintings as one of the participating artist volunteering my talents and time to the project.  I was surprised to receive 100 paintings on paper in the mail. I was delighted to experience each one and note the differences and similarities. As I looked through them I reflected back on my childhood days and admired the simplicity and beauty of each one.  In some paintings I could tell it was the process itself of painting that brought them happiness, not the end result. This thought brought me a moment of happiness as well.  I love when the theories I believe in are proven true.

Well, I began by taking my scissors out and cutting images. There were plenty of families, pets, trees, flowers, rainbows, butterflies and pizza. This is one of the beginning phases of the project. The step I am going to take is to plan the background and placement of the image objects. I have my work in store for me.  Here are photographic glimpses into the process. I am curious to how this large painting is going to turn out.  I have until June.   Stay tuned for more.

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Filed under art therapy, Arts, expressive arts therapy, new pieces, New Projects, painter, artist, toronto artist

So Close Yet SO Far

So Close Yet So FAR

acrylic on canvas and mixed media (including computer components) 48″ x 24″
This new piece is looking for a new home. It’s sitting in my studio now.

Contact wilgress2002@yahoo.com if interested

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My Cyber Soul

acylic and mixed media

My Cyber Soul is a new piece that I’ve just created in my studio. It’s not quite finished yet.  Right now I’m in the process of incorporating a light fixture on the inside of the body to illuminate and make more visible  the computer components in the center circle of the torso.

This art piece is the one of a new series, and it’s looking for a new home if anyone is interested.  The piece is composed of a lot of recycled materials, but you would never be able to tell.   It’s a large piece.   24″ x 40″ and it would look great on the  walls of any condo living room study, den or bedroom.

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