Tag Archives: change. creative work


Ok Ok, so I took some time away from the blogging thinking it was a waste of time. Especially because I developed a web site. However, I realized that the wave of the future is in blogging. I’ve had my severe career challenges in 2010, to the point where my late boss told us to stop using the markers to colour in pictures because it makes them dry out faster. Good Lord! I didn’t last with that job longer than 6 months. Which in my thoughts was pretty good. On the other hand many family and friends thought it was pitiful to be quitting a job before obtaining another. My question is, how much can you put your own values on the line for a measly little stable pay cheque. Hey we all do and it’s a compromise we all make but, where is the line that we draw for ourselves and our misery level. I feel better when I was told that the statistics show that the average person changes careers at least 3 times in their life. Well, I am had my share and I am looking for a career that pays the bills, allows self respect and allows my passion to shine every once in a while rather than being stifled. Watch out 2011 World. Here I come. I know you will challenge me on this. Let’s GO!

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